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model-comparison-log-scale.png, Calculating Electrolytic Conductivity Sensor Cell Constant for Microfabricated Planar Interdigitated Electrode Array, Conductivity Cell Constant
Host page:instrumentation:conductivity-meter:microfabricated-planar-interdigitated-electrodes-cell-constant
Cell Constant of Interdigitated Electrodes
Calculating Electrolytic Conductivity Sensor Cell Constant for Microfabricated Planar Interdigitated Electrode Array, Conductivity Cell Constant
The cell constant of microfabricated planar interdigitated electrodes used in electrolyte conductivity sensors is calculated by computer solution of the electric fields of Laplace's equation using a relaxation method. A simple inverse cube law expression of the finger electrode width and separation fits the data and the theoretical model of Olthuis et al (Theoretical and experimental determination of cell constants of planar-interdigitated electrolyte conductivity sensors, by W. Olthuis, W. Streekstra, P. Bergveld, of MESA Research Institute)
Image caption:model-comparison-log-scale.png
Image path:instrumentation:conductivity-meter:model-comparison-log-scale.png
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