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pdq_top_labeled.jpg, 9S12 HCS12 Hardware, Input Output Signals, Analog Io, Digital Io, Expansion Io, Serial Communications, Power Supply, Jumpers, Headers
Host page:sbc-single-board-computers:freescale-hcs12-9s12-c-language:instrument-control:microcontroller-design
Getting to Know Your Hardware
9S12 HCS12 Hardware, Input Output Signals, Analog Io, Digital Io, Expansion Io, Serial Communications, Power Supply, Jumpers, Headers
Describes how to configure and access the input/output signals on the PDQ Board, including communications, analog, digital, timer, and expansion IO.
Image caption:pdq_top_labeled.jpg
Image path:sbc-single-board-computers:freescale-hcs12-9s12-c-language:instrument-control:pdq_top_labeled.jpg
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