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QVGA GUI Toolkit

The QVGA Controller's graphical user interface (GUI) is programmed with the assistance of a software module called the GUI Toolkit. For detailed instruction in using the QVGA Controller's GUI Toolkit, consult Programming Graphical User Interface.

Go to the GUI Function Summary for a subject ordered list of all GUI functions. There you'll find categorized tables of GUI objects, methods and properties. You can click on any of the function names to view a popup definition of the function.

Definitions for all GUI functions are also shown in alphabetic order in the GUI Function Glossary.

This page is about: QVGA GUI Toolkit – The QVGA Controllers graphical user interface (GUI) is programmed with assistance of software module called GUI Toolkit. For detailed instruction in using QVGA Controllers GUI Toolkit, consult Programming Graphical User Interface. Go to GUI Function …