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Demos and Examples

C and Forth language code examples and device drivers for the EtherSmart and WiFi Wildcards using the Lantronix XPort and WiPort

The EtherSmart Wildcard is based on the Lantronix Xport Ethernet device server, and the WiFi Wildcard is based on the Lantronix WiPort wireless device server. Built-in software lets you send emails from the instrument, serve out static and dynamic web pages to your PC-based browser, and implement serial data exchanges with peripheral devices (known as "Serial Tunneling"). These tiny 2" by 2.5" boards are members of the Wildcard™ series that connects to Mosaic's microcontroller-based embedded computers to implement web-enabled instrumentation and automation functions.

See also → WiFi Wildcard
Ethersmart Wildcard

This page is about: Forth and C Language Example Code and Device Drivers for Lantronix XPort and WiPort for Embedded Email Client, Embedded Dynamic Web Server, and Serial Tunneling – C and Forth language code examples for the EtherSmart and WiFi Wildcards. Software lets you send emails from the instrument, serve out static and dynamic web pages to your PC-based browser, and implement serial data exchanges with peripheral devices (known as "Serial Tunneling"), all using the Lantronix XPort and WiPort.