The MC9S12A512 Processor
Block diagram of the HCS12 9S12 microcontroller showing its timing and control subsystems.
Block diagram schematic of the Freescale 9S12/HCS12 processor

The MC9S12A512 used in the PDQ Board and PDQ Screen differs from the MC9S12DP512 shown above only in that it lacks the CAN0-CAN4 ports. For a brief description of the microcontroller's capabilities, see Overview of the MC9S12A512 microcontroller.

See also → The MC9S12A512 Processor
This page is about: Freescale 9S12, HCS12, 68HC12, 68HCS12, MC9S12A512, MC9S12DP512, Freescale 16 Bit Microcontroller Block Diagram Schematic and Capabilities – Capabilities and block diagram schematic of the Motorola Freescale 9S12 HCS12, 68HC12, 68HCS12, MC9S12A512, MC9S12DP512 MCU processor microcontroller with CPU, clock, ECT (Enhanced Capture Timer), ATD, EEPROM, RAM, PWM and SPI HCS12 microcontroller, CPU, clock, ECT (Enhanced Capture Timer), ATD, EEPROM, RAM, PWM and SPI