UART Wildcard User Guide
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4th: NOT_USED ( -- n )
A constant (= 0) that, when passed as a parameter to the Set_Protocols function, indicates that the specified channel is not in use.
4th: NO_PARITY ( -- n )
A constant (= 0) that, when passed as a parameter to the Set_Data_Format function, configures the channel’s data format for no parity.
4th: ODD_PARITY ( -- n )
A constant (= 0x08) that, when passed as a parameter to the Set_Data_Format function, configures the channel’s data format for odd parity, meaning that the sum of the bits is constrained to be odd.
C: int Read_CTS ( int module_num )
4th: Read_CTS ( module_num -- flag )
Returns the current state of the CTS (Clear To Send) input on channel1. Returns true (-1) if the signal is active (i.e., high in UART register, low at the UART output pin, and high on the RS232 cable). Returns false (zero) if the signal is inactive (i.e., low in the UART register, high at the UART output pin, and low on the RS232 cable). This signal is typically used for modem handshaking.
C: int Read_DCD ( int module_num )
4th: Read_DCD ( module_num -- flag )
Returns the current state of the DCD (Data Carrier Detect) input on channel1. Returns a true (-1) flag if the signal is active (i.e., high in UART register, low at the UART output pin, and high on the RS232 cable). Returns false (zero) if the signal is inactive (i.e., low in the UART register, high at the UART output pin, and low on the RS232 cable). This signal is typically used for modem interfacing.
C: int Read_DSR ( int module_num )
4th: Read_DSR ( module_num -- flag )
Returns the current state of the DSR (Data Set Ready) input on channel1. Returns true (-1) if the signal is active (i.e., high in UART register, low at the UART output pin, and high on the RS232 cable). Returns false (zero) if the signal is inactive (i.e., low in the UART register, high at the UART output pin, and low on the RS232 cable). This signal is typically used for modem handshaking.
C: int Read_UART_Number ( void )
4th: Read_UART_Number ( -- module_num )
Returns the module number that was set by the last execution of Set_UART_Number; see its glossary entry.
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