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PDQ Board Users Guide
The Programmer’s Guide to the PDQ Board
This single board computer is ideal for data acquisition and instrument control.

This single board computer (SBC) performs data acquisition and control, packing a Freescale 9S12 (HCS12) microcontroller, memory, communications, dozens of analog and digital I/O lines, and dual expansion I/O buses onto a low cost 2.5" x 4" board. The embedded controller dramatically cuts the cost of data acquisition and control. It is easy to program in either the Forth or C languages using the customized IDE (Integrated Development Environment), and includes pre-coded device driver libraries and a real time operating system. This fast low power microcontroller is ideal for measurement, instrumentation, industrial control, SCADA, automation, and data acquisition.

This programmer's guide provides a thorough explanation of the PDQ Board's Freescale MCU, the HCS12/9S12, and an introduction to its software and hardware interfacing.

PDQ Board Users Guide Contents
This page is about: C Language Low Cost Single Board Computer, Freescale 9S12 HCS12 Microcontroller Development Board for Instrumentation, Measurement, Instrument Remote Control, and Automation, HCS12 9S12 Introduction to Software and Hardware Interfacing – This HCS12 9S12 microcontroller development board and embedded computer performs data acquisition and control, packing memory, communications, dozens of analog and digital I/O lines, and dual expansion I/O buses onto a 2.5" x 4" board. Programmable in the C language or Forth language. Complete guide to Freescale HC12 HC9S12 68HC9S12, HCS12 9S12 an introduction to software and hardware interfacing 9S12 microcontroller board, low cost single board computer, Freescale HCS12 microcontroller, real time embedded controller, embedded development board, analog IO, digital IO, SBC, real time operating system, embedded rtos, software IDE, MC9S12, 68HCS12, MC9S12DP512, MC9S12A512, HCS12 9S12 an introduction to software and hardware interfacing